Pengumuman Penting!
Untuk Maklumat dan pengetahuan anda semua, laman blog sedang dalam perhatian pihak dan telah disekat dari menambah dan juga menghantar segala bentuk posting di dalamnya.

Di sini juga saya telah menyediakan satu laman blog sementara yang boleh diakses melalui : (mirror).

Harap Maaf...






Thursday, July 31, 2008



Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pak Lah Diserang Virus Brontok

Selama lima tahun pemerintahan Perdana Menteri yang saya benci ini, kita telah dipertontonkan dan dipersembahkan dengan cerita-cerita yang menarik dan juga yang paling banyaknya adalah yang tidak baik dan tidak menarik langsung. Kita rakyat hanya mampu melihat saja depan mata mereka akan “kebobrokan” pemimpin kita ini. Kebobrokan bermaksud kelemahan ataupun sikap tidak bertanggungjawab dalam bahasa Malaysianya.

Bila saya sebut perkataan “kebobrokan” itu tadi mengingat saya mengenai sejenis virus komputer yang agak terkenal juga pada masa lalu, tak silap saya tahun 2004/05. Virus ini dinamakan “Brontok” atau nama lain “RontokBro”, bro jugak!. (
sila klik sini! Untuk maklumat lanjut) . Kepada yang belum pernah dengar nama ini, saya akan cuba terang serba ringkas. Virus ini berasal dari Indonesia dan dibuat oleh orang Indonesia sendiri. Dia merebak terlalu cepat melalui email-email yang mengandungi ‘attachment file’ yang bernama keygen.exe. Kepada mereka yang menekan ataupun meng”klik” file itu, dengan rasminya anda akan terkena jangkitan virus ini.

Virus “Brontok ini” menyerang dan dapat melumpuhkan sistem operasi Windows anda terutamanya pengguna Windows XP. Virus ini telah meng’take over’ komputer anda tanpa anda sedari. Virus ini juga merebak dengan cepat melalui Pen Drive yang dicucuk di USB port komputer anda. Virus tersebut akan ‘bersembunyi’ di dalam pen drive tersebut dan kemudiannya kan merebak dan terus menyebarkan virus tersebut jika di cucuk ke komputer lain.

Antara simtom-simtonnya yang paling “hebat” ia akan memberi “mesej” jelas kepada anda melalui ‘Web Browser’ anda seperti Internet Explorer secara automatik akan keluar sedang asyik anda melayari internet. Jika anda tutup mesej tersebut. Dia akan keluar kembali. Memang degil dan tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa mengenainya.

Mesejnya adalah seperti berikut :

-- Hentikan kebobrokan di negeri ini –-

1. Adili Koruptor, Penyeludup, Tukang Suap, Penjudi, & Bandar NARKOBA( Send to "
2. Stop Free Sex, Absorsi, & Prostitusi
3. Stop (pencemaran laut & sungai), pembakaran hutan & perburuan liar.

Terinspirasi oleh: Elang Brontok (Spizaetus Cirrhatus) yang hampir punah

Dan jika seseorang yang mahir untuk membaiki dan meyelesaikan virus tersebut ataupun kita panggil juruteknik/jurutera computer juga akan memeningkan kepalanya dan mengambil masa yang agak lama untuk menyahkan virus tersebut dari dalam komputer yang dijangkiti itu melainkan ‘terpaksa’ memformat terus hard disk tersebut. Ini merupakan ‘jalan terakhir’ untuk memecahkan kebuntuan tersebut. Berikut merupakan serangan awal virus tersebut. Sekarang ini kebanyakkan anti-virus sudah boleh menghindarkan dan menghapuskan terus virus tersebut.

Virus tersebut akan cuba menghalang dirinya daripada di usir keluar oleh juruteknik komputer dengan pelbagai cara dan helah bagi menyusahkan mereka menyahkan Virus tersebut. Segala bentuk Anti-Virus yang digunakan juga disekat sementara dari berfungsi. Windows Registry juga terus di halang untuk membuat repair dan akan terus men’restart’ kembali komputer anda.

Sungguh ‘dasyat’ mesej ini ditujukan. Tapi ini adalagi yang “dasyat” nak cerita dan aku memang betul respek giler dengan pencipta virus ini. Walaupun dia dianggap sebagai “salah” di dalam “undang-undang” siber ini. Aku respek tang ‘niat’ ataupun ‘nawaitu’ dia tu dan kepandaian dia mencipta virus tu. Sehinggakan komputer yang diserang virus ini akan secara automatiknya akan membanjiri (flood) data-data ke server-server kerajaan Israel bagi melumpuhkan dan menjadikan server-server berkenaan ‘sesak nafas’.

Terdapat 2 cara sahaja untuk menyelesaikan ataupun menyahkan virus tersebut dari terus ‘berkampung’ dan terus merebak ke komputer-komputer lain. Iaitu cara yang pertama, dengan memanggil jurutera yang betul-betul berkelayakkan dan berpengalaman luas tentang keselamatan komputer. Jika tiada masalah virus tersebut akan hilang dalam jangkamasa singkat sahaja.

Dan cara yang kedua, ialah dengan memformat hard disk tersebut. Masalahnya apabila kita memformat sesebuah hard Disk, banyak kerja yang perlu kita lakukan da mengambil masa yang agak panjang untuk menyiapkan keseluruhan dan menginstallasi semua aplikasi yang ada sebelum ini. Tetapi kebaikannya banyak dan sistem pengoperasian komputer akan menjadi segar dan ianya nampak seperti komputer baru .

Apa yang ingin saya perjelaskan di sini berkenaan keadaan Pak Lah dan Virus Brontok ini hampir sama simtom-simtomnya, kesannya dan juga jalan penyelesaiannya. Jika beliau sedar dan bertanggungjawab, beliau perlu akur dan menerima nasihat daripada mereka yang berpengalaman luas dan sedia untuk mengundurkan diri ataupun bersedia memperbaiki keadaan dengan rasa tanggungjawab tanpa ‘membuang’ mereka-mereka ini.


Friday, July 25, 2008

What Stephen Doss Did ? Article 1 - Conspiracy With Khairy Jamaluddin?

[Sources From Suara Rakyat - 3rd October 2007]

Did Khairy also hijack the “Free Burma” demonstration?

Khairy Jamaluddin, the infamous son-in-law of the PM, seems to have perfected the art of hijacking highly visible political events for which he has no moral right to claim credits.

Take, for example, the highly hyped 50th Merdeka celebration at the end of last August. After making some historically false claims of Umno being the sole “winner”of this nation’s independence (“Where were the opposition when we won the independence?”) Khairy and his father-in-law actually enacted the roles of the independence heroes during the ceremonies.

On two occasions, Khairy did the honour of unfurling the Malaysian flag and of leading the procession of youths to present a capsule – to be opened 50 years later –to the PM. The latter even shouted “Merdeka!” seven times, exactly as the Tunku did fifty years ago.

Last Monday (October 1, 2007), Khairy once again demonstrated his extraordinary talent in “political hijack”. This time the occasion was a demonstration – in support of the “saffron revolution” that is going on in Burma – which was supposedly organised by 14 youth NGOs and political parties.

The main organisers from among the NGOs, however, at the crucial moment of the demonstration abdicated to Khairy the honour of reading and presenting the protest note at the Burmese embassy – the duty that was initially to have been assigned to Stephen Doss, the leader of two of the NGOs – also head of research and development at Khairy’s wife’s (Nori) organisation, Penyayang.

Considering that the notorious Stephen Doss was involved, I would not even be surprised if the turn of events had been conspiratorially pre-arranged by him and Khairy. After all, Stephen is famous for his talent of aligning himself or betraying his sponsors from all sides of the political divide.

I can claim to know Stephen quite well – not only for his attempts to align to me during the early days of reformasi (perhaps because he thought I was an ambitious politician with money to throw) but also because he was my student in the graduate program on Civilizational Dialogue at Universiti Malaya.

Eli Wong, in her blog, asked the pertinent question of why Khairy and Pemuda Umno, for the resources and the cash that they control, must hijack other people’s show and not organise one for themselves.

To which, I think, the answer is quite obvious: If Khairy can have the services of the best organiser, or organisers, that money can buy, then would it not be better for him to use the services rather than organise the event himself?

Had Khairy and Pemuda Umno initiate the event from the start, then the whole thing would have appeared hollow and hypocritical. After all, is Pemuda Umno not aligned to a government whose hands are stained with the blood of the people of Burma through its support for the oppressive military junta?

Moreover, who would take seriously a Pemuda Umno’s initiative in defending the people’s right to freedom and protest, when it is part of a government that uses police brutality (even live bullets in the case of Batu Buruk) to suppress its own people who hold peaceful demonstrations?

Isn’t hijacking an event that have already been initiated by someone else at the appropriate juncture a better alternative for the resource-rich and cash-strapped Pemuda Umno?


Stephen Doss said...
Dear En. Rustam, Khairy did not hijack the event, there is nothing to hide. I invited Pemuda Barisan Nasional to the event, Pemuda Barisan Nasional requested that thier Timbalan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional Khairy Jamaluddin be given a role as they would be mobilizing a big group. As the organizer I agreed and as planned Khairy was given the role of reading the memorandum, Ng Chin Loong from YMM to release the doves(pigeons) and the rest of the NGO leaders to hand the memorandum to the Burmese Ambassador. I can understand your bitterness and anger at the present government but they isn't necessarily a conspiracy under every rock.

best regards
Stephen Doss

Rustam A. Sani said...
A conspiracy does not cease to be a conspiracy just because someone decides not to call it that. When two parties quietly arrange to do something without the knowledge -- and agreement -- of the other parties involved, in my defition it is a conspiracy. And when one party involved in the conspiracy uses it to gain credit, udeservedly, for the whole event -- again without the agreement of the other poarties involved -- then the party has indeed hijacked the event. I thereby rest my case.


Anonymous said...

how does our government support the military junta in Burma? very serious words said here, what are the evidence, facts, figures, or even speculations?

Anonymous said...

Dear owner blog,

Wow, look like most of your articles is mostly all about stephen doss. Based on your articles, I assume that stephen's article is so convincing by being supportive to the current government administration led by AAB.

So, I also assume that your core objective is to influence people about stephen being a puppet led by Khairy in spreading good things about PM and his leadership.

Well, possibly I can't deny the fact that you despise AAB's leadership following all the incidents happen and after seeing stephen being so supportive to AAB, you tend to pin him down with your ideas and speculations on his political divide.

Honestly, I know him quite well too, personally. But I disagree that he is ambitious for money by his good deeds. Although I believe that previously most of the people had told me the same thing, I think those are all just rumors.